

This is a Soundbites sampler.  For the full monty from 2015 on, see the Breadcrumbs blog links below.

PDF’s for each year are available in the Preface sections of each blog.

Breadcrumbs 2015

Bits and Pieces from a Dream of Time

Breadcrumbs 2018

Bits and Pieces from a Dream of Time

Breadcrumbs 2019
Bits and Pieces from a Dream of Time

Breadcrumbs 2020
Bits and Pieces from a Dream of Time

Breadcrumbs 2021
Bits and Pieces from a Dream of Time

Breadcrumbs 2022
Bits and Pieces from a Dream of Time

Breadcrumbs 2023 & Beyond

Bits and Pieces From a Dream of Time

For some it takes a fair amount of lifetime for one’s calling to become apparent.

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Compassion is fine, well, and good, but the effort it takes to care can be a tad wearing.

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We are all just actors here, and many, if not most, never even begin to realize it.

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The test, were there such a thing, is within every breath a moment is offered.

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Intelligence is a many-faceted jewel.

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Life is not much good at playing fair.

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So much to know, so much to forget.

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What a twisting thing the monkey-mind.

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How agnostic is agnostic?

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Any existence is about exploring the capacities and limitations of the given container.

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Have you ever really met anyone, or possessed anything, that you could not live without?

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Consciousness is but waves crashing, tides ebbing and flowing, in the its dream of time.

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Continuity?  Only in your dreams.

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The silliness only gets sillier.

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Genius is not always appreciated in its own time.

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The flame does not linger once the candle is lit.

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Rest assured that yours is no less an opinion than anyone else’s.

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Desire builds the fear of having and not having and the spectrum of dread between.

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The constraints of any given eye are solely in the mind born of desire and fear.

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Sometimes, when meeting Goliath, David gets off a lucky shot, but many times not.

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Sometimes ugliness is just on the surface; sometimes it rots all the way through.

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Sanity?  And that again is what?

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Relax, it doesn’t really matter.

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Which end of the leash is any dog walking?

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You call this a plan!?

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There is no other, only you, right here, right now, forever and ever.

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Feeling the need to identify with anything, why?

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You are but the sum of your thoughts.

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Breathe deep, sweet chariot.

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Freedom is the almost unbearable lightness of being.

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The genetic lottery has been DNA’s eternal dice roll since its inception.

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Yoga is a means to union, not an end in itself.

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Joy is as imaginary as sorrow.

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Imitation is the way of cowards and fools.

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Is this not hell enough?

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It just doesn’t matter.

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A higher level of dystopian intrigue over in that unhappy faire.

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Revenge is called justice when someone else metes it out.

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Too huge for words, but still we muddle and stew in our endless inanities of finite thinking.

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Another widgeteer: What a finite loop any specialization.

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What a curious thing it is to be at all concerned what others think of you, or of anything, really.

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The world is for those who lack imagination, and the one with the least is often first to pull the trigger.

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What is the meaning of life but the one each and every one alone concocts.

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May not be such a bad thing to be considered a tad mad at least a bit unpredictable.

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Daily you wake up, and there you are, nothing pretending something yet again.

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Why would you need applause from anyone, much less a theater full of strangers.

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You are the nothingness come to life.

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What is wrong with enjoying the sound of your own voice?

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So much effort, all for vanity and ruin, over and over and over again.

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Why would it matter even if you were?

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The difference between black and white is gray.

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Nothing but variables, but a great experiment, nonetheless.

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It is not time, it is not space.

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Believe this or that if you must, but what a tedious way to get through the day-to-day.

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You can choose to feel everything, or nothing, as you like.

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It has as many forms, as many faces as you like, or none for that matter.

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What need does a newborn have for belief?

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The choir sure does quibble over nothing.

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Better to break a heart than to stay with someone for whom you feel no calling.

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You, whose fate it is to think you are.

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It is whatever you think it means, whatever that means.

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Mesmerized by your seed line and where it landed.

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Strategy without tactics is like an end without the means.

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Thoughts looking for fertile ground.

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What happens when the hologram dissolves is anybody’s guess, and everybody does.

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Who is it who cares, or not?

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When there are so many answers, real questions fewer and fewer emerge.

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Every moment its own little sculpture in that vain little eye.

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The unknown is unknowable, no matter how you chatter while you scamper and scratch.

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Bask in this quantum awareness as will allows.

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Hypocrisy is judgment of that which you are likely guilty times beyond counting.

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Much easier to worship idols and follow someone else’s law than it is to discern eternity within.

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Awareness coupled with consciousness, we all are.

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Practically over it.

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A very large perspective within a relatively tiny aspect.

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Worry, worry, worry, so much worry in this very worried world.

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It has all happened so that this matrix of a moment could happen.

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If you have played it hard and fast, you well know the monkey.

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Sometimes you just need to break with the routine.

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Hard to play a game in which you have lost interest.

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What will you do when you grow up? depends on your definition.

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Wisdom is the domain of many a fool.

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It is within that many a castle falls.

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Home invasion is home invasion, whether by one or the many of some army.

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Beware the ones with earnest smiles and the glint of greed in their eyes.

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All these thoughts are very legalistic, really, in a mystical sort of way.

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An arbitrary creation from the get-go.

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What is death but the ever-changing changing no more.

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You do not ask for freedom, you assume it so.

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Settle for dogma it is your bent, but do not expect all to aspire to so low a bar.

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Quantum this, quantum that, quantum everything.

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Be vast within.

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Where is the line between creator and creation?

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In adversity, one must either learn to be strong, or endure being crushed.

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Break the code.

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It is within that reality will be discerned.

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It is all beautiful, it is all ugly, and neither, actually.

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The eye constantly changes as the mind does.

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Physician, heal thy Self, take what is splintered, make it whole, one.

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Enjoy the day, Maestro.

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Serve you Self in whatever way you are called.

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Monkey got ahold of you again, eh?  Well, better luck next round.

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Be the vastness within and without.

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You have always been an energy being, a quantum being, whatever the form.

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The pace of consciousness leaves all in one wake or another.

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A promise means nothing unless it is kept.

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Every birth a mutation of DNA seeking immortality.

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The passions to which many succumb offer little real or lasting peace.

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Where is the line between good and bad, and who decides?

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No contribution, just one vote, maybe.

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How quickly one moment can change everything that follows.

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There is no god in the way you think.

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Big difference between the suicide of the body and the suicide of the mind.

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The mind locked in differences can see neither far nor wide.

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The world is done and undone by differences.

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At birth you know nothing, at death nothing much.

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You do not have to believe any of it, you know.

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Nothing can be lost, nothing can be saved saved.

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What point residing in an ivory tower if you cannot move about freely on the ground?

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You are your religion, and no one’s ever the same for those without dogma or idolatry.

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The generalist will rise again, the specialist of the dystopian paradise.

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Without awareness, without consciousness, without imagination, what is there?

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Seemingly so many things, yet not all the time.

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Unfiltered by the inanities of political correctness.

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When did god become he, she, or even it?

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The unknown that is known is not the unknown.

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The need for control arises from great fear.

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How absorbing just a simple breath when it is given one’s total attention.

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The god you have in mind, the god you imagine, is not god.

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And at some point, the awareness twitched, and a universe was born.

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Embrace the life and death of every moment, and wander free.

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You have played the monkey every way imaginable; what more is left?

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Where can reason go without intuition its constant companion?

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What is the whole mind?

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To lack compassion is to be a slave to the suffering of others.

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Might even reach a point where the DNA is no longer in charge.

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It sounded good at the time.

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Close your eyes, still your mind, and see the awareness for what it is, and what you are.

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Don't be fooled by the sidewalks, it's always been a jungle.

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No matter how hard you try, you cannot deprive fate its munchie.

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A good and true aphorism crosses all boundaries.

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No one will ever, hopefully, know that dirty little secret.

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What are you but a point of consciousness in an indivisibility without center.

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How smoky each and every streaming, each and every unfolding moment.

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It is a choice to hold on to your dream: What does it take to let it go?

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What is death but merging back into the home alone mode of the indivisible oblivion.

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To see it clearly for what it is, is the fulfillment of DNA’s destiny.

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How meaningless any principles to any given moment.

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Another widgeteer.  Whoo-hoo.

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Every zone has its regulars.

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Questions, so many questions.

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You are the brass ring.

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Born to die, live well.

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What is prior to real inquiry?

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Where is the mind that no longer consumes the sensory feed?

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That which is prior to consciousness leaves no trace.

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Choiceless is as choiceless does.

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Imagination carries the day.

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The aloneness of singularity, complete and absolute, the essence, the core, of everything.

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You are the awareness to which no identity can for more than a short while subscribe.

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© Michael J. Holshouser 2015
World Rights Reserved